Thursday, May 27, 2010

Coupons on Recalled Children Medicine Arrives

We finally received coupons worth $17 from the company that manufactures the children medicine (Tylenol, Benadryl, Motrin, Zyrtec) that had been on recall recently. My appreciation to McNeil Consumer Healthcare for the quick action on their promise to send the coupons. $17 is already a big savings for our future purchase of Tylenol and Benadryl.

Hopefully, the company has already resolved the problem and has kept their production facility bacteria-free. Maintaining excellent quality control is the biggest gift they can give to consumers.

If you have the above-mentioned recalled products and have not filed for refund or coupons yet, visit McNeil Product Recall and fill-out the required information to receive the coupons.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

She's Back on Our Bed

We came up to a decision: she co-sleeps with us. After a thorough thought, my husband gave in. He knows what my heart desires as a mother for my daughter when it comes to bedtime. Even if in the past we had successfully let her sleep in her bedroom, the yearning of her sleeping with us didn't go away.

Co-sleeping had already been an "issue" eversince we were not married yet. There was even one time we argued on the phone about it. I want our child to sleep with us. That's the kind of culture I grew up with. He's the opposite. Most probably because of the culture he's used to and personal preferences.

When I had Eve, it's no longer about the kind of practice I have seen around me when it comes to child-rearing. This time, it's about the emotional and mental security a mother feels to her child when she's alone in her room all throughout the night. It's about the mother-and-child emotional bonding.
My heart thirst for the closeness to her child, and I believe, my child yearns more for the same kind of emotional attachment to her parents. But at the same time, I do not want to force my husband to something he does not prefer. He thinks that she sleeps better in the crib. Besides, husband and wife intimacy suffers when the baby is there. I was caught in between.

Last night when she was crying in her room, I asked myself a question: "Why is she crying? What does she need?" Well, I believe the reason why she cried was because she needed comfort. She needed to feel secure through the warmth of her parents' arms. And why are we depriving her of such emotional needs? Is it because giving her emotional demands will make her spoil? I absolutely do not have any idea. I am more concern of how the deprivation will affect her emotionally as she grows up. I want to give and fill my daughter's every emotional need as much as I can.

My husband, sitting on the chair in silence have had questions in his mind whether or not she should sleep with us. I told him about my thoughts. He came to a decision in favor of me and our baby. He told me that what matters is the need of his wife and daughter. But I was concern that he might resent about it. He assured me that he won't and I know he's telling the truth. I saw the sincerity in his eyes.

Until when she co-sleeps with us? I do not know. What I do know is that, when she can already understand when we explain to her why she should stay in her room on bedtime, then that's the time for her to experience "bedtime independence." For now, what I know is that, she has emotional needs that we need to nourish. She doesn't understand things yet. She doesn't understand why she has to sleep alone in a dim room at such an early age.

Co-sleep or not? Who knows what is right? I grew up co-sleeping with parents. I grew up surrounded with family where children co-sleep with their fathers and mothers and there was no problem at all. I even have this weird theory that maybe
one of the reasons why Filipinos have this feeling of exceptional attachment to their families is because of the emotional bond that children developed from co-sleeping with their parents. True or not, maybe a study can answer.

My daughter won't co-sleep with us forever. As she grows up, she will discover and understand independence, and eventually wants it. If I let these precious moments and opportunities of closeness with her slip away while her dependence is totally upon us, one day, I might find myself drown with regrets.

I honor my husband for his humility. I honor him for weighing things out and making a decision of what he thought is best for all of us. He is the MAN in the house. He has the "final word." And when it comes to husband and wife intimacy, we can always find a way.

Friday, May 21, 2010

9-Month Old: Two Teeth In!

9-Month Wellness Check-Up

Height: 28 inches
Weight: 17.15 lbs
Head Circumference: 44 cm

Evie's big toe was poked during her 9-month wellness check-up to draw blood samples for hemoglobin test. We thought she'd be surprised and will cry, but the poking didn't bother her at all. So brave of my little one. Her hemoglobin test result turned out great. The iron level in her blood is perfect.

8 to 9 Months Milestones
Teeth in - She was 8 months and 2 weeks when we noticed one tooth peeking in. Currently she's got 2 visible tiny teeth. Her drooling was unstoppable. She likes to feel her teeth with her tongue. Probably wondering what they are. She tries to bite cheerios using her teeth which looks funny.

Cruising faster and on one hand - It's amazing to watch her cruising from one furniture to another using both or just one of her hands—even does it while getting support from walls. Her speed has totally increase from when she was 7 months old. I can say that she has mastered this skill.

Throwing - One night her Dada was throwing a small ball against the wall while she watched with amusement and laughter. The next day, she was throwing her toys up on the air, down to the ground. She likes to do it more on the tiles because it makes noise.

Expression of dislike - When we give her something and she doesn't like it, she shoves it away with her hands and with insistence.

Drinking water/juice in a sippy cup - It's surprising to see how she can hold the sippy cup and tilt it the right way so she can drink. Her hand coordination works really well. It's what they say, "practice makes perfect."

Recognizes who is Mama/Dada - Unlike before where she just utter the words "Mama" or "Dada" without any meaning, this time, she utters it with definite purpose. She already knows that I am "Mama" and my husband is "Dada." Most of the time when she's in distress, she usually calls my name as if asking for comfort. She says or whispers "Dada" when she's happy or wants to play.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bad Food Allergies

My poor daughter had a terrible food allergy on her face last night. Her face and neck turned so red, bumpy, and warm. She couldn't stop itching. She looked so miserable. I felt so bad that she had to go through it.

Food Allergy Culprit

Before she got rashes on her face, we gave her chunks of string cheese. Later, she ate "chicken noodle" jarred food for dinner. It's her first time to eat these foods, so we do not really know which one caused the allergy. I am allergic to chicken, so, there's a possibility that the baby food we gave her for dinner was the culprit. But since it is also her first time to eat string cheese, we are unsure which is which.

Baby Skin Allergy Treatment

I decided to immediately apply the 2.5 hydrocortisone and topped it with Aquaphor all over the affected areas. We also gave her a dose of Benadryl. We also kept her from itching her face by holding her hands. Minutes later, her face looked better. The rashes were starting to clear up. I'm quite glad that we still have tubes of the 2.5 hydrocortisone which really helped a lot in controlling her skin allergy.

In the meantime, we are refraining to give her any of the food that we gave her last night.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sick Baby Week

It's been a week now that Evie is sick. She got low-grade fever, runny nose and cough. Well, not to mention the ordeal of "teething." Because she has not been feeling well, she slept with us every night. From time to time, my husband and I have to wake up in the middle of the night to clear her congested nose. I am just glad that her cough is not that bad or else she will be so miserable. Her appetite was down for days, specially with solid food.

Fever, Cold and Cough Treatment

For fever, we gave her the generic brand of acetamenophen since we got rid of Tylenol that was included in the product recall; Benadryl for her cough and runny nose (which her doctor approved). I also applied Vick's Baby Rub on her chest, neck, and back at bedtime, and also during the day. I think the rub helped soothe her stuffy nose and cough. 

The other home remedy we do is take her to the shower with us in the morning as well as give her a lukewarm bath before bedtime. The steam in the shower and when she takes bath really helps loosen up the nasal mucus. I am also thankful of the nose suction that we got from the hospital when she was born and saline drops. Also, we turn on the humidifier in our room the whole night. Applying these simple treatments gives relief in her breathing problem due to a stuffy nose.

She feels much better today. She's eating more solid food and took naps in her crib.
Her usual energy is getting back in track. I couldn't be happier than seeing my daughter healthy and happy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why Health Insurance is Important

Back in my home country, insurance is not as popular as how it is here in the U.S.. When I came here, I was stunned at first of how much amount of money people have to set aside each month to pay their insurance. My family is not exempted. There's not only one, but several insurance we have to pay: home insurance, health needs insurance, and car insurance. I was only able to understand how important healthcare insurance is when I gave birth to my daughter. The total cost of our hospital bill was unbelievable. Good thing we have medical insurance which absolutely saved us from the huge amount of hospital care expenses, or else, we'll go bankrupt.

My advise to Moms and parents when it comes to insurance is that, if you have not gotten health insurance yet, and is planning to purchase one, it is important that you compare insurance quotes and the type of insurance plans and coverage offered by various insurers. This way, you will be able to determine which insurance policy caters your needs and financial capability best.

In my personal opinion, insurance is vital for the family. Allotting a budget for insurance each month may be a little bit of burden in our pocket. But when it comes to emergencies, it is such a big help.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Children's Medicine Product Recall: Tylenol, Motrin, Zyrtec, Benadryl

We just came to know through CNN that some over-the-counter children and infant medicine which include Tylenol, Benadryl, Motrin, and Zyrtec are on product recall. This action took effect on April 30, 2010. Accordingly, the Food and Drug Administration found a bacteria in the plant where these medicines are made during an inspection in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. Parents are advised to get rid of these medication from their medicine cabinets/kit.

Two of the medications we got for Evie are included on the recall: Benadryl Dye-Free Allergy (NDC# 50580-535-04) and Concentrated Tylenol Infant's Drops (NDC# 50580-144-01). Thankfully, the other one is not (Benadryl Allergy Cherry Flavored Liquid—NDC#50580-534-04). 

One thing I am glad about is that, the FDA and the manufacturer's authorities have assured consumers that "serious health problems caused by this dilemma is remote." Medication producers should be extra cautious and strict in implementing their quality control or else it's our children who will suffer the outcome of their negligence.

Anyway, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, the manufacturer of the above-mentioned products offers refund or coupon to consumers who currently have the affected medications on their hands. If you're one you should take advantage of this offer. All you need to do is fill up the online form with all the information required.

For more information about which specific products are on recall, check this link: Children and Infant Medicine Recalled Products.