Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Evie Is One Week Old: First Bath At Home & First Pediatician Visit

Evie turns a week old today. It feels like it was only yesterday when I had her out from my womb. The week that passed was full of great memories, new lessons to learn as a parent. She is such a darling. I love her so much. Everytime I look at her, she fills my heart with joy and completeness.

Well, she had her first bath at home today. Daddy gave her bath. She was enjoying the warm water running on her bare, fragile, tiny body. Never cried (thanked God because I saw children crying crazily when given a bath). I was assisting her Daddy. It was a partnership effort, but Daddy did most of the work, and he did a great job!

First Pediatrician Visit

We reached the pediatrician office before our scheduled appointment at 11am. We have visited the office a week ago and it looks fine. The doctor whom we visited is not yet the official pediatrician that we have chosen. If we will be satisfied with the services, then perhaps, we will decide to go with this doctor. We filled up the necessary forms and waited. The little girl was so asleep (she had just her food couple of minutes before we left home, so sleeping was the normal pattern of activity after feeding).

Her vital signs were checked. She grew half an inch in height and weighs 8.2lbs, less a pound from the day she was born. We asked some things that we're concern about specially the pooping and feeding. Yesterday I was worried because she only pooped once and this morning her poop was watery. The nurse who attended her said that it's normal. Some days they poop a lot of times, some days once or not at all. The feeding issue was as well fine. We are not overfeeding our baby. The check-up went great. Our little girl is physically healthy (to God be the glory!), a wonderful thing for us to celebrate us parents of this newborn girl. We will be going back next week for her next check-up. She will be 2 weeks old then.

The one week experience of being a mother was exhausting, frustrating (at times), and yet, so rewarding and fulfilling. As a neophyte mom, impatience and frustration are so far the negative things I need to deal with. Everyday, I am learning to know my daughter. Each new thing that I uncover about her is a priceless treasure.

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