Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Energy Wearing Off

I'm getting exhausted so quickly for few days now. The unending kicks are wearing me off at the end of the day. A nap is needed. Moreover, I noticed that the weight in my belly is getting heavier. Whenever I do something that requires standing up for several minutes, my lower back hip starts to feel achy. Belly band is definitely a must at this stage of my pregnancy. I've been wearing it around the house but not a lot. But right now, I need it more often. It really helps me carry the weight. It's actually the band I got from the hospital when Evie was born. The hospital gave me two belly bands to support my tummy's weight after C-section. I can say that in that period of time and the ever growing heaviness of my pregnant belly now, that thing is quite effective. It supports my back pretty well.

Her weight was 3.9 lbs in my most recent ultrasound last week (April 3). Her weight probably doubles in my next ultrasound at 36 weeks. Something that I have to prepare. More weight, quicker exhaustion. I am glad though that my feet are not as swollen. Yesterday and today, they both look and feel normal. My hydration must have helped. I wonder though why sometimes my left foot gets more swollen that the right foot. What's the explanation?

Her birth is getting nearer and nearer—in fifty six days. Isn't that amazing? :)

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