Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thank You 2009!

The year 2009 will not be any other year that just passed by in my life. It is special and will always be a year that I will cherish all my life. Why not? It's the year that introduced me to the wondrous world of motherhood. When I looked back the past before I had Eve, I didn't really have a vivid image of me becoming a mother. It was hazy. I was uncertain whether in my lifetime I will be given the privilege to experience of what they called "the most awesome feeling" that motherhood offers. I am one of the most blessed and privileged among women of this world. I am a mother and I feel that ecstatic emotion every Mom feels. I passionately enjoy each moment that I spend with my precious, beautiful daughter.

I thank my Father in heaven whose generosity is insurmountable. The joy that Eve brings in my life is so priceless. No word, phrase, or sentence can describe the intensity of the feeling. A woman needs to experience it to understand how I feel and what I mean as a mother.

Sometimes I would wonder about the blissfulness that God feels for His children. I want to think that it must be the same as how I feel for Eve. But my heart is not as big as His. Most probably, I can only feel a fraction of how He feels towards us. And yet, He gave me a precious gift by enabling my heart to embrace one of the greatest emotion a human being can take pleasure in. To Him, I give the glory, honor, and praise.

I so look forward for another beautiful year with my daughter. This year she will turn a year old. How great is that! I am excited for more new and exciting things that she can do as she grows each day. I pray that God will give me the gift of patience, so that I can savor and appreciate every moment I share with my precious little one.

Thank you Lord for 2009! Most of all, thank you for another new year of my life with Eve.


  1. Good for you Riz and I am happy! I am longing to experienced that most wonderful feeling of motherhood. Hopefully God will bless me. Happy new year to you!

  2. God will surely bless you at the right time Vida! :)
