Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ate Evie and Fi: Double Wellness Checkup

My daughters got to see their pediatrician together for a wellness checkup last Tuesday. We decided to set their doctor's appointment at the same time instead of going back a week or two after the other one's checkup.

Evie's 3-Year Wellness
Evie kept telling us that she's not sick. She doesn't like doctors. Well, what kid likes anyway? We had to tell her that the doctor missed her and just wanted to see her. I worried that she will not cooperate in the weighing. To my surprise, she stepped on the weighing scale without hesitation and leaned on the wall to get her height. She's 3 feet tall now and weighs 34lbs! Obviously, she is more than half my height. Way to go Evie! :)

Fi's 2-Month Wellness
Getting ready for the not-so-fun immunization at her pedia.

My Fi has grown so much from birth. From 7.11lbs her current weight is 13.4lbs, and from 19.5" in height, she is now 24.5 inches. She's in the 90th percentile in weight and 95th percentile in height. Wooooooh! She got 3 shots and an oral vaccine (Pentacel, Hepatitis B, Prevnar, and Rotavirus). Not the fun part of the visit at all.She was fussy after few hours from her immunization. Half a teaspoon of Tylenol works wonders, thankfully!

We will go back two months after for Fi's four-month wellness checkup. Evie's next appointment will be a year after, except if we decided to get her flu shot. She never had flu shot eversince but the doctor advised us to get her this year in able to protect her specially that she has issues with allergies and breathing. I am still not sure about it. I heard side effects of flu shots and it scares me to death. I still have to see and do a wide research.

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