Thursday, July 29, 2010

Demanding Baby Einstein Time

My 11-month old daughter demanded to watch Baby Einstein this morning. The TV was on for local news, but was changed to the DVD mode after she pushed the button (she already pushes TV, DVD player, remote control buttons). Then she came running towards us and made little whimpers. I carried her in my arms and asked what she wanted. Of course she can't talk yet, so she just used her body language—pointing the TV. I knew what she meant, after all she's my daughter. When she realized that I was not turning on the DVD player, she protested with this kind of cry that says "I demand." I asked her the same question three times, and I got the same answers. I was actually stunned that at this early age she's learning to "demand" watching the show. Sounds like a "red flag" to me.

She loves Baby Einstein. There's always jubilation on her face and smile everytime she sees the DVD and the Walt Disney intros when I turn on the show. I actually watch her reaction all the time. It swells my heart to see her so happy. Now that she knows how to clap, the smiles are accompanied with palms striking at each other. She knows what they are. 

I only allow her to watch Baby Einstein once a day (one DVD is roughly 20 minutes long). But her reaction this morning was a bit alarming to me. Made me ask myself if 20 minutes tube time a day is bad. Searching online, I found out that the American Academy of Pediatrics advised no TV time under the age of 2 as it may hinder the baby's speech ability, could cause ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and other mental and physical developmental concerns.

When I think of totally banning Baby Einstein until she turns 2, I feel a little bit of tinge in my heart. Today, she didn't watch the show. I wonder if she will remember tomorrow. Perhaps, I need to do it gradually or just let her watch twice or thrice a week. I'm not sure. But I thought of these ideas. Any recommendation is very much appreciated.

My daughter this morning. This is what she wore when she wanted to watch Baby Einstein. :)

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