Monday, August 3, 2009

Evie is Ready to Go!

Well, I finished packing Evie's stuff that we need to take to the hospital. I packed all of the suggestions that my friend Miriam gave and I added some which I thought are necessary. Here are the things she need and are ready to be grabbed anytime we get the "GO" signal from our little princess:


  • 3 diapers and a pack of wipes (we were informed that the hospital will provide these...this is only for the "just in case" situations specially on our way home with her
  • 2 going home outfit (we only need one, but we'll see which one we like best for her to wear)
  • 2 receiving blankets (one for picture taking, one for practical use)
  • 3 pacifiers (items are sterilized and packed them in a small plastic bowl with cover that was also sterilized)
  • nail clippers / small nail file
  • 3 onesies (hospital will also provide, but, "just in case"
  • 3 mittens & 3 socks (these were not suggested but I deemed she needs it because it will be too cold in the hospital)
  • 2 hats (to protect her very sensitive head/forehead)
I think I packed in excess, LOL.

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