Saturday, November 17, 2012

Evie Writes ABCs

My Evie has been showing interest writing the letters of the alphabet for weeks now. All of a sudden, she told us that she wanted to make letters. All we can do is encourage her and teach her of the things that she gets interested into. I like that she's always so  much willing to learn and being taught.

The ones that she can write now are the very simple ones that only requires straight lines or some simple curves. Most of the letters that she knows how to make are upper case letters such as A, E, F, L, T, I, etc.. She inverts her big letter A a lot of times. She tries to make letter C, small letter g, j, and B. I am looking forward to the time she can already write all the letters of the alphabet.

More Flavor for the Newest Solid Food Eater

Fi was quite happy to be able to taste something with flavor. I started giving her baby food in sweet potato flavor last Friday. She was so excited and couldn't wait for the food to get to her mouth. She was eating really well. She must be thinking "finally, not the flavorless rice cereal!" Today, I gave her carrot and peas. She was making loud noises and bouncing on her exersaucer when she saw me holding the jars of baby food. Couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. Obviously, she wanted what I had in my hands and ate as much as her tummy can hold. I love this stage! :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fi's First Solid Food

We gave Fi her first ever solid food last week. We couldn't wait until she turns six months old. She has been showing signs that she's ready for solid food. There had been a lot of instances lately where her eyes couldn't keep off of us whenever we're eating. She'd move her mouth as if she was chewing something. We teased her by pretending to give her food. She would try to grab the food from our hand and put it in her mouth. We had to be quick for the food not to be gorge in by a eager-to-eat-solid-food infant.

Rice Cereal

Like Evie, we gave Fi rice cereal for her first solid food. We mixed it with her formula and made it in a soupy consistency. She was a little unsure when she tasted it. But later, showing interest and telling us that she liked it. It's funny how she grabbed the empty bowl of rice cereal and tried to chug it down.

As of this writing, I am just feeding her rice cereal once a day. Maybe next week I can start making her mashed fruit or vegetables. We'll see how she will like a flavorful treat.

To know when to give your baby solid food, check out this link: Introducing Solid Food.                                


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sisters' First Trick or Treat

My girls had their first ever trick or treat and dress-up pictorial. Evie was Tinker Bell and Fi was Rapunzel. Took them to JC Penney Portraits one day to get pictures of their cute outfits. I was hoping that our Evie will cooperate with the pictorial since she doesn't like it when all attention is on her. Well, she did most of the time and later got exhausted of being told what to do. It was a wrong timing for Fi too. She hadn't nap and was tired. So, most of her pictures are "smile-less." We're still thankful that we're able to get her to smile on some.

I love their outfits! I got Evie's from Disney Store last year while it was on sale. Evie's wings and shoes light up. Absolutely perfect at night during trick or treat. Her dress glows in the dark and I only found out when we got home from trick or treating when I turned off the light. That was a total surprise. Fi's dress was also a Disney Store brand but got it from eBay in a very good price. Her Rapunzel shoes were so pretty and fit perfectly on her little feet.

Halloween 2013

Haven't thought of what characters the girls will be next year. We thought that since Evie will be already four years old and has already a mind of her own, she gets to choose what costume she wants to wear. But the final say still depends on us. Probably, we'll just give her choices instead. That way, we are sure that she wears what's appropriate. I don't know what I want for Fi either. Another princess dress? I am still undecided. I'll see. I might be able to come up with something.